
Why study Geology?

地球科学家研究和评估全球和地方地球系统,并为预测未来趋势做出贡献. They solve environmental issues, locate water, mineral, and energy resources, and predict and help understand, predict, and lessen risks of natural hazards and disasters.

在当今世界,很少有学科在社会如何运作以及我们如何保护未来方面发挥着如此重要的作用. 很少有研究领域能够在保护人们日常生活方面发挥如此深远的作用, whether you realize it or not. And few can bring together so many disparate ideas, from sciences to social sciences to humanities to the arts, like the study of the Earth can. (Dear College Students: You should take Geology  http://www.wired.com/2016/08/dear-college-students-take-geology/)

Why study Geology at GVSU?

“There are few undergraduate geoscience programs that compare to GVSU. The opportunity for academic success, rigorous undergraduate research and positive mentoring relationships has been invaluable in my academic career.”


“这个项目提供了很多参与学术活动的机会,并与教师建立了密切的师友关系. 地质和化学的融合提供了知识和技能,为您准备一系列成功的职业道路.

Hanna szydlowski //地质化学校友,研究生

“地球科学项目不仅是我参加过的最全面的研究项目, but also the most well-rounded. 我进入这个项目时对地球科学知之甚少, but due to the active, hands-on, and engaging nature of the program, I emerged from the program as a person ready to enlighten others in the field.”

Gerry verway //地球科学校友,创意技术学院

Take an introductory course in GEO

People hiking up rocky trail

在这些课程中,你将更好地理解你所居住的地球系统以及你与地球系统的关系. 要想解决许多最紧迫的社会问题,我们作为全球公民必须了解我们赖以生存的动态地球系统,以及我们与这些系统之间的复杂关系. 地质系提供的所有入门课程都符合通识教育物理科学的要求.

GEO 480/580应用冰川和第四纪地质学-在线异步课程

GEO480/580 - An online asynchronous course
Applied Glacial and Quaternary Geology
Prof. Patrick Colgan ([email protected])
Department of Geology, Grand Valley State University


group shot


Become a Geoscience Major or Minor

加入一个充满活力和热情的学生和教师学习社区. 我们的课程包括重要的基于项目的学习,包括在现场和实验室中使用各种仪器和分析工具进行大量的学习. 地球科学家需要使用空间分析和在深时间的背景下考虑问题,这使他们成为优秀的批判性思想家和问题解决者. 大多数学生参与高影响力的实践,包括与教师一起进行个人研究. Our students are active in the department, 经营两个由教师指导的俱乐部,并维护一个学生研究空间.

The Geology Department offers undergraduate B.S. degrees in Geology, Geochemistry, and Earth Science. 我们的毕业生很受尊敬,并继续进入优秀的研究生院和/或找到 well-paid jobs in environmental science, hydrogeology, the energy and minerals industry, engineering geology, academic research, and K-12 teaching.  We are a unit of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Geology Department Highlights


查看全文:Rangel-Buitrago, N和Neal, W, 2023, The unsustainable harvest of coastal sands, Science 382 (6675), . DOI: 10.1126/science.adj9593

新近毕业的Ryleigh Landstra和地质学教授Ian Winkelstern共同撰写了一篇博天堂官方网页“蛇状星云”形成的论文

他们博天堂官方网页今时今日虫体如何形成的研究结果可以告诉我们如何在古代地质沉积物中解释它们. Read the full article for more information.

Link to full article: Landstra, R., & Winkelstern, I. (2023). 限制了密歇根州Ore湖现代蛇状体的形成条件. Sedimentologika, 1(1). http://doi.org/10.57035/journals/sdk.2023.e11.1179.

Image Source: Ian Winkelstern, GVSU Geology Dept.


What do medically important snakes have to do with geology? Learn more by reading the full article...

Image reference and link to full article: Jowers, M.J., Smart, U., Sánchez-Ramírez, S. et al. 揭示中美洲珊瑚蛇中被低估的物种多样性, a medically important complex of venomous taxa. Sci Rep 13, 11674 (2023). http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-37734-5

GVSU students studying water in the western United States

link to newsclip about course

Fossil Clues - GVSU Geology Research in South Carolina

Video of research on fossils in South Carolina

这是一个简短的视频,突出了由GVSU地质学教授Ian Winkelstern领导的研究小组的工作




19th Annual Chili Cook-Off

第十九届年度地质辣椒烹饪大赛通过食物增进友谊. click on image to read the Lanthorn article about this long-standing event.


Go to Professor Mekik's Climatology Lab website: http://kwypla.nb-geyi.net/climatelab/ or find out more on Facebook

A warm remembrance of Tom Hendrix (1933-2023)

Photo of Tom Hendrix

Photograph of Tom Hendrix from the GVSU archives.

On Sunday October 8th, 2023 Tom Hendrix passed away, GVSU地质系失去了该系历史上最杰出的教员之一. Read the full memoir by Bill Neal here.


Image of candle burning in black background

A warm rememberance of Norman W. Ten Brink (1943–2023)

我们为失去一位杰出的地貌学家和GVSU地质项目的先驱感到悲伤, Norm Ten Brink. Emeritus faculty member William (Bill) J. Neal along with alumni Alan Werner, 克里斯托弗·威托马斯最近出版了《对诺曼·W. Ten Brink (1943–2023)" in AAAR. 我们希望您能花时间阅读全文(链接) here)以纪念诺姆,并庆祝他惊人的一生和成就.

Reference: William J. Neal, Alan Werner & Christopher F. Waythomas (2023) Memorial to Norman W. [10]林克(1943-2023),中国科学院学报(自然科学版),25(5):544 - 544。
DOI: 10.1080/15230430.2023.2248844.
To link to this article: http://doi.org/10.1080/15230430.2023.2248844


Upcoming Events


请把照片和回忆寄给Peter Riemersma ([email protected]) or sharing them at this link.



GSA 2024中北部和中南部联合会议

21–23 April 2024

Springfield, Missouri, USA
Oasis Hotel and Convention Center

Goldschmidt 2024 is in Chicago!

Goldschmidt is the foremost annual, 地球化学及相关主题国际会议, 由地球化学学会和欧洲地球化学协会组织.

 Are you a former student of the GVSU geology department?  Send us your contact information

Page last modified April 10, 2024